Unbelievable Benefits of Fasting


     People from all over the world fast for soo many different reasons, personal convictions and wellness.

 In this entry we'll go into elaborate detail on a few unbelievable benefits of fasting for health and wellness of course.

Undoubtedly there's an enormous stigma around fasting, most folks believe you need three meals a day and three snacks to fill you up healthy, which soo many studies have proven is not true, between portion sizes and processed foods, we spend more time losing weight than enjoying eating.

Here's a few different types of fasting

Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term for various diets that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting during a defined period. Intermittent fasting can also be used with calorie restriction for weight loss

Juice fasting consists of fruits and veggies, alkaline fruits and vegetables recommended.
Juice Fast A juice fast involves consuming liquids from fruits or vegetables only. Fasting, which is practiced for a variety of reasons, includes fasts to cleanse, detoxify, lose weight, treat a medical condition and conform to religious practices.

You can do a cleansing fast with a diverse supply of herbs its safer, and it doesn't involve shocking your system.

Cleansing Fast (Not reccommended) Cleansing fasts use a liquid drink containing citrus fruit and hot herbs (key lime and cayenne pepper)The idea is to cleanse the colon of food and toxins. The liquid is drunk 6 to 12 times daily. 

A gallon of water a day is imperative, whether you're fasting or not we're 70% water soo we dehydrate often.

Water fasting A water fast is very powerful, many of my client's are proficient at water fasting because they've a support system and useful information they need. If you've and reserves, contact your health care provider (naturopath, herbalist, physician. Only pure natural spring water is consumed, around normal recommended one gallon a day (4qts).

The most common fasting is partial, its easy because it's by your terms only and very obtainable to achieve even more optimal health .

Partial Fasts this is the most popular transitional fast because it excludes one major thing you consume, meats, fish, wheat, white rice, processed foods, juice, soda, white bread, sugar & flour are some of the most popular items removed with partial fasting.

Liquid Protein Fast  "Liquid protein fasts are typically used for weight loss in obese patients. Liquid protein diets can help people lose anywhere from 10 to 100 lb. but should be medically supervised."
Diagnostic Fast is when you have to take a test ( blood, some form of nuclear medicine.
Religious Fasts "Religious fasts are done for spiritual or ritual reasons. The Daniel Fast is modeled after the book of Daniel in the Bible. This is a partial fast restricting all foods except fruits, vegetables, grains and water for 21 days. The Jewish Tzomot includes seven different religious fasts throughout the year. Ramadan is an Islamic fast, lasting one month during which Muslims fast from sunrise to sundown."

Now that we've shared the different types of fasting, let's get to the unbelievable benefits.

Enhances the body’s resistance to stress
Chronic stress has been associated:
  • Heart Disease
  • Premature Aging
  • Poor Skin Quality
"Fasting aides in the dismantling of every disease".
 Improves brain function
The nerves and synapses in our brains are important to care for.  Many of my clients always mention how fasting gives them clarity. And more focus. "Fasting also increases the production of the brain protein (BDNF).This protein protects against Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s .
Improves your immune system by reducing inflammation , the human body becomes more resistant to disease and illness.
Longer life Expectancy it's a know fact that 83% of people who practice fasting often have a longer life expectancy, please note healthy mind, body and spiritual wellness are also implemented with this result's.

Peace family, we hope you enjoyed our blog on fasting, please remember this, 
"no disease exist in an electric body."
"Stop killing yourself, to heal yourself, soo many alternative medical treatments are available to you my beautiful brother's and sister's, it's with divine healing and clarity that you find your path on this wellness journey take care. "- Nicole Feldman #SankofasNaturals



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