Guide to Divine Rituals : Yoni Steams

Greetings my beautiful sister's, and herbal enthusiast. There's many do's & dont's to womb care and health. Although it's nice to steam at least once in your existence, its not a necessary thing although it's recommended.

Vibe with me my kindred sister's on this one, my hopes is that you receive the information with clarity and overstanding, to make your personal choice on whether to steam your yoni.
We encourage to make this ritual of love, by caring for your feminine organs, with divinity and grace you give yourself honor.

A yoni steam is an intimate moment of self care and inner oneness.


•Dark blood at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle
•Postpartum and post miscarriage or post DNC
•Menstrual Complaints & Irregular Cycles
•Pelvic MuscleTension, Pelvic Pain
•Uterine Prolapse
•Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea
•Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts,PCOS
•Fertility, Infertility, Conception preparation


•When infection is present
•During Pregnancy
•During Menstruation
•If there are symptoms of damp or moist heat in the pelvis, vagina or colon i.e.: vaginal infection, candida, yeast infection, bacterial infection, herpes outbreak.


•For preventative care – 1 week before the 1st day of bleeding.
•For cysts, prolapse, pelvic pain, fibroids, endometriosis– 2 – 4 x a week
•After a DNC or miscarriage – wait 3 weeks; make sure there is no infection prior to steaming.
•Post delivery, wait 6-8 weeks, making sure you are not bleeding and there is no infection.


•You should expect changes in vaginal discharge, and a shift in your menstrual blood, duration of cycle and onset can shift as well. These are normal cleansing reactions and a good sign that your womb is cleansing.

Commonly Used Medicinal Plants

•It is preferable to use dried herbs unless you are using rosemary, juniper or cedar – you can use those plants when they are fresh as they contain a high amount of volatile oils when fresh.
The typical ratio is 1 Quart of fresh herb or 1 Cup of dry for a large pot of water. Choose 1-5 herbs for your steam.
You can choose plants that you have a spiritual connection with that may not be specific for the physical ailment but will support your emotional well being.

Herbs To Consider

•Herbs that have an affinity for the urinary and reproductive organs;
Red Raspberry Leaf
Peony and Dong Quai.

Herbs that contain volatile #oils;
Basil, Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Marigold, Garden Sage, Peppermint and Lemon Balm.

Herbs that are astringent or tonifying; Witch Hazel, Yarrow, Cedar Berries, Rose and Juniper.
Traditional herbs the Maya use are Oregano, Basil, Marigold, Rosemary, Chamomile, Damiana, Plantain, Yarrow."

Inspiration for herbal blends
Menstrual balance blend: Motherwort (great for fatigue, cramps, and to aid relaxation), Mugwort (promotes suppressed menses), Basil (Uterine stimulant), Rosemary (increases circulation to the reproductive organs), Calendula (Cleansing, lessens inflammation), Chamomile (Soothing to the vaginal tissues).

Perimenopause / PMS blend: Mugwort (promotes suppressed menses), Oregano (soothing, brings circulations and cleansing to the uterus), Raspberry leaf (strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is a pelvic and uterine relaxant),  Red Rose Petals (Cooling, gentle and astringent to the tissues of the genitals).

Menopause blend: Basil (Uterine stimulant), Raspberry leaf (strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is a pelvic and uterine relaxant), Marshmallow (vaginal dryness), Sage (Astringent. Spiritually cleansing), Chamomile (Soothing to the vaginal tissues).

Fertility blend: Rosemary (increases circulation to the reproductive organs), Wormwood (Antifungal and antibacterial), Basil (Uterine stimulant), Calendula (Cleansing, lessens inflammation), chamomile, Red Rose Petals (Cooling, gentle and astringent to the tissues of the genitals), Lavender (antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, relaxing nerving).

Miscarriage blend: Mugwort (promotes suppressed menses), Oregano (soothing, brings circulations and cleansing to the uterus) Calendula (Cleansing, lessens inflammation), Lavender (antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, relaxing nerving).

Postpartum blend: Oregano (soothing, brings circulations and cleansing to the uterus), Rosemary (increases circulation to the reproductive organs), Raspberry leaf ( strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is a pelvic and uterine relaxant), Calendula (Cleansing, lessens inflammation), Yarrow (Astringent. Cleansing. Antibacterial), Comfrey (healing and soothing).

How to Set Up & Prepare your Steam

It is important when working with the plants that you build a relationship with them. You can do this by asking the plants and the water to help you in what you are trying to heal at that time.
Choose your formula.
1 qt. fresh herb or 1 cup dry.
Place herbs in a pot of lukewarm water.
If possible, let sit in the moon light overnight, imbuing the water and plants with the moonlight, with your prayers and allowing the water and plants to absorb each other.
•The following day, bring to a gentle simmer with the lid on for 20 minutes.
•Set up your steam space; turn off your phone, put music on if you’d like, or grab your favorite book, light candles, or make a cup of tea to enjoy while you are steaming.
•Once you are set up pour your steam water into a different pot as to avoid burning the floor.
Place your steam pot under a slotted chair, step stool with slot, lawn chair or steam stool.

•Remove your clothes from the waist down, leaving your socks on, keeping your upper body warm.
•Sit on your designated seat over the steaming herbs making sure the steam pot is placed underneath the body so the steam gets to the perineum.

•Drape your lower body with blankets that extend all the way to the floor to ensure the steam is contained.

•Be careful not to burn yourself. If necessary, create a small vent to allow excess steam to escape, it should feel pleasant.

•Sit over your steam for about 15-20 min. depending on the temperature.

•Simply enjoy the healing and nurturing time you have set aside for yourself.
When you are done, dry yourself off.

•Rest quietly after the steam in a warm room, free of drafts, open windows or air conditioning, for at least 20 minutes.

•When you get up, dress warmly and protect yourself from cold drafts or sudden temperature changes for 24 hours.

•Release the herbs and water back to the earth –  giving thanks for their support in your healing..

We hope you've enjoyed this blog please subscribe, and comment below please connect on social media, also to order your steam kits.

Sources :

Book: Herbal encyclopedia
Alkaline Herbal Medicine


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