The Seven Dimensions Of Wellness Guide

            Seven Dimensions of Wellness

Emotional Wellness : 
inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength. It is important to be attentive to both positive and negative feelings and be able to understand how to handle these emotions.

What are the things you take accountability for?
When is the last time you journaled?
What are you rituals of inner self care and restorative health?
How do you maintain an emotional balance?
It's wise to communicate with self twice as much then with other's. Trust your intuitions not your insecurities.
Seeking out a therapist/ coach/friend even a empathetic stranger is a positive thing, never feel embarrassed about seeking healing for yourself.

Spiritual Wellness :  is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives. ... It is better to ponder the meaning of life for ourselves and to be tolerant of the beliefs of others than to close our minds and become intolerant.

Do you know that inner spirituality has nothing to do with indoctrination/ religion ?
It's wise to explore your own personal convictions or lack thereof in solitude, soo you can be sure it resonates with your belief's.

Occupational Wellness :  is the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time, addressing workplace stress and building relationships with co-workers. It focuses on our search for a calling and involves exploring various career options and finding where you fit.

Did you know its completely ok to look for a job or start a business while you're already employed?
Its completely fine to have workplace friendships only, never feel obligated to extend friendships outside if work, do what feels good to you be comfortable

Gaining structure in your career/ work is important to find balance and hopefully a place where  you love what you're doing.

Social Wellness : refers to the relationships we have and how we interact with others. Our relationships can offer support during difficult times. Social wellness involves building healthy, nurturing and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you."

Did you know being interconnected is natural for spiritual beings ? Even flower's and tree's communicate with each other.
Having quality of people is more important than quantity.
To produce a message just walk in divine truth and order ( be yourself).
The romanticism society displays on socialism, and activities, is just that romanticized. You can develop your own regime if healthy social connectivity, just by leaving the home, and saying: " hello how's your day?"

Physical Wellness : promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. There are many elements ofphysical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overallphysical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition"

Did you know drinking one gallon of water a day can expand your life expectancy,because it increases your metabolic rate.?
Did you know cutting sugar, high fructose and white flour from your eating regime (diet), will reduce your risk of diabetes/ stroke/ heart attack ?
Did you know drinking fresh herbal tea twice daily, will aide in detoxifying parasite's/disease/ illness from your body ?
Investing in a gym membership/ healthy non processed foods, water and seeking inner peacefulness with exercise, wellness can aide in optimal health.

Enviormental Wellness :
inspires us to live a lifestyle that is respectful of our surroundings. This realm encourages us to live in harmony with the Earth by taking action to protect it. Environmental well-being promotes interaction with nature and your personal environment."

Do you grow your own food?
Volunteer at a community garden?
Attend community cleanup's?
Add greenery to beautiful your home?
Do you recycle? Do you walk/bike or take public transportation A few days out of the month ?

Financial Wellness : is an intricate balance of the mental, spiritual and physical aspects of money. Financial wellness is having an understanding of your financial situation and taking care of it in such a way that you are prepared for financial changes."

Have you checked your credit score?
Do you pay the most on your credit card with the highest interest monthly?
Do you pay the minimum on the rest of your credit card's monthly?
Financial literacy is offered at most public libraries, you don't have to spend thousands of dollar's to obtain financial wellness.

Sources :


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